%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PROGRAMMING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Define number to factorize x:=42; % Factorize x and write out each individual % factor factors:=factorize(fix(x))$ x:=0$ for i:=1:length(factors) do begin q:=part(factors,i); for j:=1:part(q,2) do begin x:=x+1; write "factor ", x, ": ", part(q,1); end; end; % Procedure to calculate Legendre polynomial % using recursion procedure p(n,x); if n<0 then rederr "Invalid argument to p(n,x)" else if n=0 then 1 else if n=1 then x else ((2*n-1)*x*p(n-1,x)-(n-1)*p(n-2,x))/n$ % Enable fancy output %fancy_output$ % Calculate p(2,w) write "P(2,w) = ", p(2,w); % Incidentally, p(n,x) can be calculated more % efficiently as follows procedure p(n,x); sub(y=0,df(1/(y^2-2*x*y+1)^(1/2),y,n))/(for i:=1:n product i)$ write "P(3,w) = ", p(3,w); end;